Monday, January 30, 2012

Are You A Chinese Muslim? We Need Your Details!

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If you are reading this, we have come to the right place!

But let us first introduce ourselves to you. We are like you, Malaysian Chinese who converted to Islam, or, as some would like to put it, reverts to Islam. The male figure at the top picture is me, Dr Yamin Cheng. The lady to the right of me is Nurlaily Yap. Nurlaily Yap is currently a committee member in MACMA, the acronym for Malaysian Chinese Muslims Association. She is serving in the committee of MACMA Malaysia, the umbrella MACMA organization in Malaysia, as well as in MACMA Selangor.

What about me? I am helping out Nurlaily in reaching out to people like you, people who not only come to Islam, but people who believe they can make a difference to our Malaysian society in the way we practise Islam. Nurlaily and I believe you are a special Muslim.

Do you believe you are a special Muslim? Do you think you can make a difference to our society?
Or are you just a convert who, after coming into Islam, only complains about the existing state of the Muslims?
Can you make a difference?
Do you want to make a difference?
Nurlaily told me that there are around 60,000 Chinese converts to Islam in Malaysia. 60,000?
Does this figure include the ones who have gone to heaven? If you are one of those still walking around on this earth, we would like you to give us some information about yourself.

We need to connect.
If you happened to be one of those who have gone to heaven, then don’t bother to reply.
Just let us know these things about yourself – your name, age, education, profession, and handphone number.

That’s all we want from you for now. Do you know of any convert who you would like them to join you in this mailing list?
Then pass this request to them and ask them to contact us.
You may send your brief biodata to Nurlaliy at, or to me at
You will be hearing from us again.

Thank you and Gong Xi Fa Cai !


  1. william tong @ musliminMarch 16, 2012 at 3:54 PM


  2. salam..should provide an online registration form. its easier to collect all the data n many youngsters will come.

    i wanna register member too, but don know how

  3. Wkslm.
    The registration form can be downloaded from this blog, under the "Join Us" tab.
    Or alternatively, click here.

    The completed form can either be emailed or posted to us.
    For further information: Join Us

  4. Assalamualaikum

  5. Assalamualaikum.

  6. assalam-o-alaikum ! there is no such thing in islam "Gong Xi Fa Cai" islam gave us its own customs that makes us different from atheist.
    Our prophet (P.B.U.H) declared in his last sermon that "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim." & you people asking to make of who, as of Chinese, don't you think its called Racism & totally against our prophet teachings ?
    plz enlightened me if i'm wrong..

  7. salam sis hana,

    let me say a little thing as to my own limited knowledge, we do not mean to sound racist when we want to gather infor on chinese muslims - its just that we chinese muslims in malaysia are not very close nor large in number - so we need a platform to know more of us to share same background culture so that to help each other in this beautiful religion that we have chosen for ourselves.

    yes islam tells us that only those who are taqwa is looked upon by allah swt and we all are descendants of prophet adam and eve. but as time went by we became clans and of different ccolours and there's also an ayat in the quran that says that allah swt made us into different creed and colours so as we learn to live in harmony with each other. even prophet muhammad pbuh is a quraish - the quraish are known for their high status in society etc etc - salman al farisi was from persia - bilal was a black - so islam accepts that man are coloured and it should be ok to be proud of our ancestors and descent n to gather in our group as long as we dont look down on other group cos only the taqwa servants are in allah's good books irregardless of race.. wallahu alam.

  8. assalam-o-alaikum,
    islam accepts that man are coloured..yes its all in history but u think that "it should be ok to be proud of our ancestors and descent" ur this statment deny the obvious ayah of Quran..[Hujurat 49:10] The Muslims are brothers to each other, therefore make peace between your two brothers and fear Allah, so that you may gain mercy. (The entire Muslim nation is a single brotherhood, without any distinction for caste, creed or colour.) ALLAH extremely deny to be proud as behalf of Race..
